St. Croix Valley Foundation has been operating since 1995 and today manages nearly $65 million in assets. The Foundation has distributed over $23 million back into area communities in the form of grants and scholarships. In addition to previously written about oversight by a team of professional financial advisers and committed board volunteers, St. Croix Valley Foundation has also been reviewed by two independent oversight organizations.

Charities Review Council
In their own words:
Charities Review Council knows that all donors are investors. We collaborate with both donors and grantmakers to ensure that every precious dollar goes to strong, ethical, and trustworthy organizations.
The Charities Review Council has The Accountability Standards® that St. Croix Valley Foundation has met, every year, since 2008. These standards cover best practices in Public Disclosure, Governance, Financial Activity, and Fundraising.
Council on Foundations/National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations®
In their own words:
The National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations Accreditation Program certifies U.S. community foundations that meet and exceed federal and state law requirements in practice and by policy. The accreditation process is rigorous, and undertaking it demonstrates a community foundation’s commitment to accountability and excellence to its donors, its community, policymakers, and the public.
St. Croix Valley Foundation has undertaken the rigorous accreditation process, and has earned the accreditation badge, every year since 2004.
Each of these accreditation are undertaken for the benefit of valued donors – to provide assurances and communicate standards that are representative of St. Croix Valley Foundation’s ongoing operational integrity. They are each badges that St. Croix Valley Foundation wears proudly.