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Updated: May 6, 2024

We're excited to announce that we are moving at the end of June! Our new location at

1830 Hanley Rd Ste 200 in Hudson checks all the boxes.

The way we work has changed, with all of our staff members working remotely some of the time throughout the region we serve. More and more, we're also meeting our partners and donors where they already are - visiting their organizations and homes as we build relationships. As a result, we need less space and more flexibility.

We're excited to be a part of the innovative new model at 1830 Hanley Rd Ste 200, where regional nonprofits will share resources while saving operational costs. We'll rent about half of the offices at the front of the building, sharing space with Operation HELP and The Backpack Program. The Royal Credit Union (RCU) community room will also be reservable for nonprofits in the area, serving as a 30-person meeting space and as our board room. We anticipate many opportunities for collaboration as the space continues to develop.

This flexible new model aligns beautifully with our new Strategic Action Plan, and cost savings will allow us to redirect some operational dollars to meet even more needs in our region. We are thrilled to be a part of the vision for Hudson's new nonprofit hub!

Here are the details of our move:

  • What: Moving to Hudson's new nonprofit hub

  • When: End of June 2024

  • Where: 1830 Hanley Rd Ste 200, Hudson, WI 54016

  • Why: The move aligns beautifully with our new Strategic Action Plan, allowing cost-sharing with other nonprofits and additional opportunities for collaboration.

How to reach us after July 1:

  • Mail: 1830 Hanley Rd Ste 200, Hudson, WI 54016

  • Phone: 715-386-9490

  • We're on Facebook and LinkedIn, too!

(Throughout June, you can continue to reach us at our current location in downtown Hudson at 516 2nd St., Suite 214!)


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